by Catapult Wealth | Apr 14, 2020 | Economic, Financial Planning, In the media, Investment
COVID – 19 has almost completely shut down certain industries, and we are already seeing companies forewarn that there may be flow-on effects to dividend payouts. As many investors look to deploy cash into the markets while prices are low – it is important to think...
by Catapult Wealth | Nov 13, 2019 | Economic, Financial Planning, Investment, Market update, Wealth Strategies
Cash shouldn’t be king in your investment portfolio – and here’s why. Not many would have predicted one year ago that the Australian cash rates and bond yields would now be trading at 1% or less. We are experiencing record low cash rates of just 0.75% after the...
by Catapult Wealth | Mar 22, 2019 | Economic
Globally, Share markets were down during the December 2018 quarter with the Australian share market falling 8.4% and the global share market index dropping 11.1%. Market volatility spiked – to the highest levels last seen in 2016 when the share market was...
by Catapult Wealth | Jun 22, 2015 | Economic, Investment
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to investing, beauty can be seen as an opportunity. It’s also important to see opportunities from both sides: some opportunities are there to be taken whilst others are to be avoided. Often these...
by Catapult Wealth | Jul 2, 2014 | Demographic, Economic
Recently I had the opportunity to hear renowned demographer, Bernard Salt speak on a range of topics. His talk certainly left me with some lasting thoughts on where the Australian economy was heading. In light of our ageing population, as well as the ethnicity...